Forget the curve ball. Give 'em the heater!

Friday, September 30, 2005

Red Light's Time to Shine

So less than a week ago I told Jon that the Yanks would enter this weekend with a one game lead over the Sox. How could I be so sure you say? Well with the Sox/Yanks its all about the Drama.

So let's just do some predictin. The Sox will win the first two games of the series, thus leaving the stage door open for the return of Curt "Red Light" Schilling to take the ball sunday afternoon and close the door on the Yanks. Now I am not saying the Yankee's won't make the playoffs, but I am making a GUARANTEE that the Sox will win the Al East.

Oh and the Gators go into Alabama on Saturday in what could become a defining game for the Gators (Funny wasn't Tennesse supposed to be that game?).

I got it Gators 24 - Alabama 20

- BL


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